You don't know how they suffered as disaster victims. 你可不知道灾民的苦处。
You can well imagine the misery of the disaster victims. 你可以想见灾民的那种惨状。
We will effectively carry out post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction work and lay a solid foundation for disaster victims to live and work in peace and contentment. 扎实推进灾后恢复重建工作,为灾区群众安居乐业打好基础。
The recent disaster resulting from snow and ice storms caused significant losses to China's economy and made life very difficult for disaster victims. 近期发生的严重低温雨雪冰冻灾害,给经济造成重大损失,给群众生活带来很大困难。
We will combine industry reconstruction with efforts to create jobs for disaster victims. 结合群众就业推进产业重建。
Sure enough, the people depressed about the disaster victims or worried about being lonely became more likely to wax nostalgic. And the strategy worked: They subsequently felt less depressed and less lonely. 果不其然,那些为事故受害者伤心的人与害怕孤独的人们,相比而言更容易沾染上怀旧情绪。而怀旧确实有所作用:他们会感觉并不那么抑郁与孤单了。
We will help disaster victims become self-sustaining, he said. 我们将帮助灾民自立,他说。
One day soon, the sight of cockroaches will be a relief to disaster victims thanks to video game technology. 凭借视频游戏技术,在不久的将来,蟑螂将出现在救灾第一线,为灾民送去慰藉。
The situation surrounding disaster victims remains severe, the emperor told the ceremony. 灾难受害者周围的形势仍然严峻。天皇在纪念仪式上说。
Those robbing materials for military use, or materials for fighting disasters or relieving disaster victims. 抢劫军用物资或者抢险、救灾、救济物资的挪用用于救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、
We raise lots of money for our schools, for charities, and for disaster victims. 我们捐给学校、慈善机关和灾民很多钱。
That afternoon, the NCD officials invited us back to their center and expressed their gratitude to master, who had loved and helped the homeless disaster victims of their country. 当天下午,民防署邀请我们到他们的中心,以感谢师父对他们国家无家可归灾民的关爱与帮助。
Samuels, who thinks that many disaster victims may die from fear rather than injuries, although obtaining proof in autopsies is difficult. 他认为许多灾害中的遇难者可能是死于恐惧而不是创伤,尽管在尸检中获得证据存在困难。
Nan Fang-shuo, a political commentator, said: It would be difficult for Beijing to oppose too vocally the visit, given its purpose of providing spiritual relief to disaster victims. 政治评论员南方朔表示:北京方面将难以过于大声地反对这次访问,因为其目的是给予灾难受害者心灵抚慰。
The Red Cross aids disaster victims right away. 红十字会立刻对受灾的人进行援助。
A Study on the Game between Local Governments and Disaster Victims 地方政府与受灾者在救灾中的博弈探讨
In rendering worldwide relief to disaster victims and the needy, how does Master decide on the forms of assistance to be provided in various situations? 对世界各地的救灾与济贫工作,师父是依照什么情况而给予不同的帮助?
A bigger move, from the earthquake scene, the disaster victims helps oneself to rescue mutually, volunteer's initiative aid, People's Liberation Army's heroic struggle. 更大的感动,来自于地震现场,灾民的自救互救,志愿者的主动援助,人民子弟兵的英勇奋斗。
So once again, we moved relief goods across another makeshift bridge into the hands of more disaster victims who desperately needed them. 于是我们再次越过另一座临时便挢,将物资运送到最需救援的许多灾民手中。
Providing relief assistance to refugees and disaster victims, countering global crime, drugs and terrorism; 向难民和受灾者提供救济援助,打击全球犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义;
He is a famous man of charity and always assists disaster victims. 他经常匡济灾民,是一位有名的慈善家。
Provision of shelter is their main concern for the disaster victims. 为灾民提供避难处是他们最关切的事。
A lot of disaster victims are short of food. 有许多灾民的粮食短缺。
The Red Cross provided food and shelter for disaster victims. 红十字会为受难灾民提供食品和收容所。
The Red Cross provides food and shelter for disaster victims. 红十字会给受难者提供食物和避难所。
Facingcthe catastrophe, the mostzpractical thing that we can do is to donate as we are away from the center of the quake-hit area and lack the special skills to help relieve the disaster victims. 对于灾难,像我们这样远离地震中心,又没有救灾一技之长的人,捐款可能是最容易做到的善举。
Psychological and social supports of disaster victims 灾难受害者的心理与社会支持
It becomes the tremendous strength which the mobilization disaster relief and the disaster victims help oneself. 它成为动员救灾和灾民自救的巨大力量。
After the earthquake, the psychological intervention method is used for to alleviate the disaster victims bad psychology condition. 地震之后,政府在缓解灾民不良心理状况方面主要采用心理干预方法。
According to the flood risk management experience of foreign countries, it is one of the effective mechanism that carrying on the flood insurance system to compensate the disaster victims. 从国外对洪水灾害风险进行管理的经验来看,实施洪水保险制度是对灾民进行补偿的有效机制之一。